Friday, May 20, 2011

What is Early Literacy, how the definition of early literacy?

"A mother reading a story book for children, with children absorbed in listening to the story line. Parents lovingly respond to any questions from children about the part of the story "of the story can be seen that the activities of literacy is not teaching children to write letters, but rather to introduce a culture that familiar with the readings. Of course, since developing early literacy skills in the first 5 years of life. The success of children in school, largely determined by culture of reading in their family environment. So "Early literacy is not an activity of teaching reading. "

Encouraging early literacy is important to do, when the child has a habit of going to readings, and provides with an Print-rich environment and interactive. So early literacy activities we have done. So it does not necessarily have to memorize and force them to be able to read.

Parents are key to the success of children in learning to read. When parents read, talk or play with children, parents have to build relationships and stimulate brain development of children. Many research results that the development of literacy since the early ages, is the basic building blocks of child development in print.

In fact, early literacy activities are not only started the age of 3 years, but since the baby could be done, because the child has the ability to record in the brains they see themselves. And will in future achieve these capabilities.