Monday, July 25, 2011

Techniques to read story books for children

Reading storybooks to children, will provide the ability for children to early literacy, as well as cultivate a fondness for children to read at a later date, following a few simple tips in reading stories to your child:
  • Provide books with simple stories and pictures.
  • Stories are easy and exciting it would be easy to remember by a child.
  • Serve children with reading story books, when to sleep or leisure time.
  • Provide books that are large, usually available in bookstores, and specifically for children.
  • Give books that have interesting stories, usually the children liked the book a story about an animal or figure legends
  • Read books for children, with an attractive voice, and exercise that can make an impression on children.
  • End the story by saying "good bye".


Unknown said...

Sebelumnya mohon maaf atas komentar nyasar ini. Kami dari komunitas blogger kota Pamekasan ingin mengajak seluruh blogger Pamekasan untuk gabungan di blog
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Mator sakalangkong se tadhe' betesseh..
Salam Arek Lancor..!!!